• Depending on whether you’ve professionally whitened within the past year, how stained your teeth are currently, and the nature of your daily habits that cause additional staining (smoking, coffee, red wine, etc.) Femme Gemz t will recommend anywhere from a 30 minute to an 80 minute treatment. 60 or 80 minute treatments are suggested for all first time clients. Once we get you white, you’ll be doing 30-45 minute touch-up sessions (half the time - half the price).

  • No, you do not. Your treatment consists of 4 back-to-back 15-20 minute treatments. You rinse every 15-20 minutes allowing for a break if you so choose to take one (and we will always ask) before you reapply and sit for another 15-20 minutes. You are encouraged to play on your phone, watch TV, bring your laptop etc. and will be right there to make sure the light and your smile are positioned accurately.

  • Guess what? I am a dental professional! I am a seasoned Dental Hygienist licensed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Professional teeth whitening is regularly practiced outside of a dentists’ office in a “client administered” form. Femme Gemz is technically a retail business. This means we will give you all of the product, tools, expertise, and supervision - you will just paint the gel onto your enamel yourself. We do not touch you at all throughout the process.

  • No, sensitivity is very rare if so, its minimal and able to be managed with my take home products which are also available before your treatment too! Take home products contain carbamide peroxide and cause severe permanent damage to the surface of your enamel causing sensitivity, ours does not. This is because the carbamide peroxide in them breaks down into hydrogen peroxide while you wear it, having a chemical reaction on the surface of your enamel. We offer a safer and much more effective method using hydrogen peroxide. All packages also include a remineralization treatment as well. This restores your enamel post-whitening making your teeth stronger and alleviating sensitivity going forward.

  • Yes. Our products are sourced from laboratories located SOLELY in the USA. We go above and beyond using more than one manufacturer as to not comprise the integrity of our specially formulated process. Your oral safety is our utmost priority.

  • Our whitening treatment will remove any staining that has occurred since your crown/filling/veneer etc. was delivered, however, the original color will not change as it is not made of natural enamel. Clients with artificial teeth or bonding often whiten with us. We use the “paint-on” method specifically so that we can customize each treatment to your personal preference. We can either not surpass the color of the artificial tooth but still continue to whiten the natural enamel if needed. (This enhances your overall appearance by revealing EVEN white smile.) Or we can go big or go home and whiten to your “maximum white”. Your dentist can then replace the crown, filling, etc. with matching bonding at your next visit.

  • We all have our own “genetic maximum white”, however, even your maximum white is usually much whiter than our current shade. If you’ve professionally whitened before, you may know yours. Other than that, depending on staining, genetics, and individual enamel client results range from a significant difference in the shade to a bright white reveal.

    Your new smile lasts as long as you maintain them. If it stains your clothes will stain your teeth, so if you think about it that way they will stain again. However, with the proper maintenance you can prolong your results. It really comes down to staining habits and personal preference. Someone who regularly stains their teeth (smoking, red wine & coffee consumption, etc) will have to whiten more regularly than someone who does not have those habits IF they want to be white all the time.

  • Our process is formulated so you can whiten as often as you’d like. Some people are every 2-3 months, 4-6months, while those people with NO staining habits last even a year or more before returning. It really comes down to what you prefer. As mentioned before, we are the best option for maintaining a bright white smile all year long. Especially if you are the type to be a regular whitener. Touch-ups at half the time (30-45mins) and half the price ($99-$149) make this a very convenient & affordable option.

  • You can whiten as young as 14 with a guardian’s signature. It is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as nothing is tested on pregnant or breast feeding women to know that answer for sure. We typically say no to pregnant women. If breast feeding, feel free to discuss it with your doctor.

  • The main difference is the percentage of peroxide used, the intensity of the light, and the damage caused by the harsh chemical compound or overnight use. Although ours is lower than that of dental grade, it is much less abrasive on enamel and less damaging to the gums and soft tissue. If you really think about it.. Should anything sit on your enamel for an extended period of time? Both ours and a dental grade product do the exact same thing and yield the same result. Take our founder’s advice, no extremely harsh chemical is going to be “healthier” or more effective just because a dentist sold it to you.

  • You can whiten at our studio or book a mobile appointment. A $25 travel fee applies to mobile appointments and increases depending on your distance from our main location (10+ mi, 25+ mi, etc). A full fee schedule is available upon request. We can accommodate all appointments types and party sizes.